Saturday 4 June 2011

Dana Umlaut is no more!

Mwahahaha I have finally managed it, I have finally removed Dana from Blogger and replaced her with me! Oh so wonderful me! Who am I you ask? I am her seven month old puppy who answers to Kodi (just joking I never do what i am told especially when she is the one in charge, I instead prefer to chew on her hands. feet, face anything I can reach at the time).

As my blog description explains this blog is now all about my plan for world domination and how I will start with the Umlaut family and eventually the entire world population, one pair of chewed on pants at a time. Oh don't worry about Dana she is fine in fact she is about to take me for a walk, of which I plan to run away and come back later carrying part of a decomposing animal. I do love decomposing animals they are so yummy!

My plan to irritate the family worked very well this week, I am slowly grinding Dana down I can see it in her eyes. However this morning she wasn't angry at me when she came downstairs to discover I had eaten the pretzels, this may have something to do with the fact that they were saltier than I could imagine and so spent the next couple of hours in my water bowl. Damn I must try harder next time, I must make her angry. I know, I will hump that toy dog in front of her while she eats nobody wishes to see that while they are masticating!

Oh, oh I  hear her calling me it is time for my walk. I wonder how I can anger her, cover her in canal water or mud, find something yummy and dead to chew on, or simply run away there are so many possibilities.


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